Friday, May 11, 2007

Dog IQ Test - 2

This is another measure of your dogs problem solving ability.

Things you'll need to do this test
- a large bath towel
- a stop watch or a way of timing your dogs response.

How to do the test
1. Your dog should be awake and reasonably active
2. Let the dog sniff the towel
3. With a quick smooth motion throw the towel over the dogs head, so it's head and shoulders are completely covered (you may want to practice this without the dog first). Start timing and watch silently.

If the dog is like Odin and frees itself in 5 seconds or less ..................................................................................
5 points
In 5 to 15 seconds ......................................................... 4 points
In 15 to 30 seconds ....................................................... 3 points
In 30 to 60 seconds ....................................................... 2 points
If the dog is like Wiz and hasn't free itself after 60 seconds .......................................................................... 1 point

Dog IQ Test - Problem Solving

This is a test of your dogs problem solving ability.

Things you'll need to do this test
- An empty can, like a soup can
- Some desirable titbit your dog likes to eat, a piece of cheese is good
- A stop watch or a way of timing your dogs response

How to do the test
1. First sit the dog, if it won't stay you'll need someone to hold the dog by the collar.
2. Then show the dog the titbit of food and let it sniff it.
3. Then with the dogs full attention slowly place the titbit on the ground about two meters away from it, and invert the can over the titbit.
4. Start timing and encourage the dog to get the food.

If the dog is like Odin, knocks the can over and gets the titbit in 5 seconds or less......................................................................5 points
If the dog knocks the can over and gets the titbit in 5 to 15 seconds ..........................................................................4 points
In 15 to 30 seconds ......................................................3 points
In 30 to 60 seconds ......................................................2 points
If the dog is like Wiz, sniffs around the can, but didn't get the bait after 60 seconds...................................................................1 point